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Use of enamel VD-AK-1179 for wood, concrete and other surfaces

Enamel VD-AK-1179 is produced by different companies - VGT (VGT), Kraskavo and many others. This series includes several types of enamel, differing in properties and purpose.

Enamel Composition

Acrylic paint VD-AK-1179 contains a water-dispersion base with synthetic acrylic copolymers. Also, the composition is enriched with various auxiliary additives - stabilizers, defoamers, emulsifiers, dispersants and others. All funds are produced in accordance with TU 2313-012-32998388-2010.

Enamel VD-AK-1179 Base A

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Purpose and types of enamel

Various types of enamel are produced, which differ in purpose and are used in accordance with the properties.


Used for exterior and interior use, suitable for various types of surfaces. Available in the following modifications:

  1. Glossy - designed for tinting in basic pastel colors and in bright, saturated colors, it is not used without tinting. It is necessary for painting basement floors, roofs, metal surfaces, facades. Gives a smooth glossy surface.
  2. Matte - used for painting wallpapers and for other interior work, recommended for child care facilities and hospitals.
  3. Pearlescent - produced in colors liquid bronze, liquid gold, liquid copper. It is used for decorative decoration of walls, furniture, forged products, stucco moldings.
  4. Fluorescent - allows window dressing, restrictive stripes, advertising, discos. It contains special pigments that give a glow.
  5. Semigloss - is used for exterior and interior work in any room. It is divorced only with tinting.
  6. Universal metallic - for decorative decoration of wood, plaster, polystyrene, aluminum, galvanized products. Available in different colors.

Fluorescent acrylic enamel VD-AK-1179

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For siding and PVC

The tool is intended for finishing work on plastic products. Gives a smooth surface with a half gloss. Among other things, it provides excellent adhesion to bricks, plaster, mineral materials, concrete, wood.

For radiators

Enamel for radiators is used for painting heating radiators, pipes, water supply systems in industry and at home. Includes special acrylic dispersion, which gives high heat resistance. After drying, the product creates a glossy smooth film, resistant to yellowing.

Anticorrosive enamel

This product is intended for application to metal to provide corrosion protection. You can apply paint on those surfaces where there is already rust, to reduce the speed of its spread. The material has high water resistance, weather resistance, is available in different colors, forms a semi-gloss surface.

Anticorrosive semi-gloss enamel

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For the floor

It is used to paint concrete and wood floors; it is also successfully applied to furniture, doors, and internal walls.It forms a semi-matt film, resistant to abrasion, is water resistant. Available in white, walnut, gray, wenge.

On wood

This tool can be used to paint any surface made of wood - windows, furniture, doors, baseboards, facades, various designs. The content of acrylic dispersion gives resistance to the action of detergents, moisture, the created film repels dirt.

For slate

This semi-gloss enamel helps in painting roofs made of slate, tile, mineral materials. It can also be used on brick and wood. The tool gives resistance to rain, cold, sunlight.

Enamel application

Before painting, the old coating must be removed (especially crumbling areas), wash the walls or other surfaces with water with soda or ammonia (3%), then rinse again with clean water. Plastered substrates should be primed, as well as porous surfaces.

Application of enamel VD-AK-1179 by roller

Enamel does not lose its properties upon freezing, but it must be at room temperature before application. The product is thoroughly mixed and diluted with water, if necessary to achieve a working viscosity. Apply it with a spray gun, roller, brush. Temperature during work - not lower than +7 degrees, air humidity - up to 80%.

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Product Features

Specifications may vary depending on the type of paint:

  • coating - smooth, without impurities, homogeneous, color - as declared by the manufacturer;
  • solids content - 40–50%;
  • dynamic viscosity at +20 degrees - 3–6 Pa / s;
  • film coverage - 100 g / sq. m;
  • the degree of milling - 30-60 microns;
  • drying time at +20 degrees - 1 hour;
  • resistance of the coating to water at +20 degrees - 24 hours;
  • frost resistance - 5 cycles.

Enamels are produced in factory packages of 0.8, 1, 1.5, 3 kg or more. The shelf life is 12 months. Keep away from sources of light, heat, moisture, in which case the safety of properties is guaranteed throughout the entire period.

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