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How to paint interior doors?

Interior doors are an important interior element. They not only delimit space and protect rooms from noise, odors, drafts and dust, but also emphasize their specific style, adding completeness and transforming the atmosphere as a whole. Therefore, if the interior doors eventually lost their original appearance, then they must be put in order. Otherwise, even the most luxurious repairs against their background will look unpresentable. And help in this painting interior doors.

Apply paint to the door

Compared with the complete replacement of the door leaf, this event, which you can easily handle with your own hands, is quite inexpensive. Yes, and the result with it can be achieved no worse if you do everything right and give free rein to your imagination. So, how to paint interior doors, what is needed for this and what color to choose for them? In all of this, we will further understand.

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The choice of shade for the interior door

An interior is considered ideal when all its elements, including interior doors, are harmoniously matched to each other. Moreover, there is an important principle in design - according to the color scheme, all doors should preferably be identical, due to which a single integral picture is created in the house.

But, since it often has different rooms decorated in separate stylistic and color directions, then, at first glance, finding the “golden mean” of the shade of interior doors so quickly can be difficult. In these complex cases, designers often focus on the color scheme of the main premises of the home:

Interior doors in various colors

  • hallways;
  • halls;
  • living rooms.

And when this does not help, the interior doors of all rooms outside (relative to the corridor) can be painted one color, and from the inside of a separate room to another. Also, to facilitate the task, designers when choosing the tone of interior doors are advised to pay attention to many details directly in each room:

  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • floors;
  • skirting boards;
  • furniture;
  • decor items, including textiles.

White interior doors

For example, if the floors repeat the color and texture of the wood, then they can be painted in identical shades. In general, it is believed that natural wood colors are a universal solution for interior doors, since in this case they fit perfectly into almost any design, perfectly in harmony with the floor, and with furniture, and with decor items.

For people who prefer bold solutions and originality, the color of such products can be selected for the design of the walls. In this case, the shade of the doors is better to make a tone higher or lower - this will visually highlight them. As for the light and dark variations, in the first case, the interior doors will visually expand the room, creating a laconic and light atmosphere in them, and in the second case, they will make the space more austere and restrained.

Dark doors in the interior

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The choice of type of paint composition

All paints can be conditionally divided into transparent and pigment compositions. The first include varnishes, which are more suitable if wooden doors do not have serious defects and it is planned to simply refresh them without changing color.But, since these elements of the interior are functional structures that are in constant operation, due to this, noticeable chips, cracks and other defects that spoil the appearance very often appear on them.

Therefore, often for a high-quality restoration of a door leaf, an elementary varnish coating is not enough. For these purposes, it is desirable to use pigmenting paints that can mask and eliminate more serious defects.

In addition to color, paints differ in their composition. The choice of their type for this parameter will directly depend on what the interior doors are made of. Paying attention to the table below, you can understand in which cases it is better to apply one or another type of coating composition.

Paints of different colors for wood

The material of which the interior door is made Recommended Paint Type
Array Completely wooden products can be painted with almost any paint. For example, in this case all products based on oils and alkyd enamel proved to be quite good. These materials have a wide range of colors and, after drying, form a durable, durable coating. They have practically no drawbacks, except for the strong smell that is felt in the room for 3-4 days after painting the paintings. When there is a restoration of interior doors with your own hands in a house where there are children, of course, it is better to use acrylic enamel. It is odorless, non-toxic, dries quickly. But its main drawback is its fragile and short-lived surface.
MDF Doors made of MDF are preferably painted with compositions that simultaneously include tone and varnish (colored varnishes). Such paints help to preserve the texture of the material on such canvases and mask any existing defects.
Veneer For veneered interior doors it is highly recommended not to use nitro paints, since this composite material does not tolerate moisture. After applying such formulations, ugly spots may form on them. Veneer doors are best painted with polyurethane or glyphtal compounds. They do not have a strong smell, therefore it is comfortable to work with them. As for the choice of color, then by this parameter they can be selected for every taste.
Inherent characteristics Anticorrosive, moisture resistant, thermoprotective, antiseptic.
At the place of application Universal or separately for external and internal works.

See detailed overview of odorless wood paints.

Polyurethane paint for veneer

Whatever paint is chosen, in any case, it should be intended for internal work. Moreover, if in the room where the interior door is located, there is strong moisture (kitchen, bathroom), then the compositions will certainly be selected with moisture-resistant qualities.

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Staining technology

In addition to acquiring paint, for the restoration of interior doors, it will be necessary to prepare such a tool and additional building material as:

  • sandpaper of medium and fine grain size;
  • wood putty;
  • solution for removing old coatings (20% technical carbolic acid, caustic potassium or sodium);
  • sponge;
  • putty knife;
  • cotton swabs;
  • primer;
  • construction tape;
  • flat brushes of various widths;
  • roller;
  • container for paint;
  • stairs;
  • screwdriver.

Necessary tools for painting doors

After this, you can begin the preparatory work so that the door is suitable for paint. This step consists of the following steps:

  1. First you need to remove the door from the hinges, previously unscrewing the screwdriver fasteners.
  2. Further, handles, locks and other elements should be removed from the canvas. The holes must be filled with fabric or cotton swabs so that the paint does not get into it.
  3. After that, to clean the door of old paint or varnish, you will need to treat all its surfaces with a chemical solution, which is left for 30 minutes, and then washed off with water.But you can remove old coatings not only with chemical compounds, but also simply by grinding with medium-grained sandpaper. In this case, after such processing, the cloth must also be washed and degreased with a solvent. The choice of cleaning method depends on the condition of the door leaf.Remove the old paint from the interior door
  4. Then the cleaned cloth must be carefully inspected. If defects are found, it is necessary to repair all cracks, bumps, and chips with putty on wood, which is leveled with a spatula.
  5. After the putty dries, the canvas is again sanded with a fine-grained sandpaper and degreased again, cleaned of dust and primed with drying oil.
  6. If there are elements on it that are not planned to be painted, then they must be protected with construction tape or masking tape.

After completion of the preparatory work, the door leaf should be completely ready for painting. This process itself includes the following actions:

  1. First, the paint is poured into a convenient container.
  2. Then a brush of the required width is taken (it depends on the dimensions of the painted elements), dipped into the composition and then it first begins to paint all the small parts of the door leaf and ends. In this case, you need to make sure that, for example, paint does not accumulate in the paneled doors in the corners. If the brushes are new, then they should be combed out well and soaked in water for several hours before use.A brush should be soaked for a couple of hours in water
  3. While the small parts on the door dry, during this time you can paint the jambs and slopes with a brush. Smudges and uneven paint should be avoided at this point.
  4. Directly the canvas itself is better to be painted with a roller, since unaesthetic stripes remain from the brushes. The paint is rolled so that a uniform shade is obtained. At the same time, smudges should not be allowed. It will be very difficult to remove them later.
  5. When one coat of paint dries, the roller again needs to be walked on. In general, in order to achieve a high-quality result, this is usually done in three steps, otherwise there may be unpainted spots, because the paint roller applies a very thin layer. If there are hollows and convex elements on the canvas, they are additionally painted with a brush.
  6. The other side of the canvas (after the first dries) is painted according to the principle described above.
  7. Even before the paint is very dry, you will need to remove the molar tape from the doors. If you do this after complete drying, then fragments of paint may peel off along with it.
  8. At the very end, the painted door is left to dry completely, and after that it can already be installed back on the hinges, having previously fixed locks, handles or heck on it.

Finally, it should be noted that the painting of interior doors with their own hands should be carried out in rooms with closed windows, where there are no drafts and dust. If everything is done as described above, then the doors in the house will again begin to look like new. At the same time, their owner will not spend much money either on the masters or on the paint itself, because the cost of these formulations of any type is now available to everyone.

One comment added
  1. TK Wholesaler

    The choice of paint. Water-based paint is suitable for painting parquet. To determine the quantity, refer to the table on the bank. Average paint consumption - 1 liter per 13 square meters. m. floor.

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