
If necessary, repair cracks in the plank floor and ensure an even layer before the finish coating, putty is used for the wooden floor. It comes in several varieties used in different cases.
Frost-resistant putty will reliably protect the house from any negative impact. How to use it in order to protect the walls from temperature extremes, precipitation and freezing and to maintain a perfect appearance of facades for a long time?
Facade putty will help align the walls of the building and preserve its beauty longer. Properly selected and applied putty will ensure the durability of the repair.
If you know how to putty corners correctly, this will help you get a beautiful wall decoration. Only at first glance, the work seems complicated - even a novice master will cope with it, subject to the recommendations.
Putty for chipboard will help make wood chipboard suitable for painting. Specially designed coating is moisture resistant and low adhesion.
Putty for foam allows you to increase the strength of the insulation and protect it from destruction. But it is important not only to choose a putty, but also to apply the characteristics of expanded polystyrene when applying.
When wondering whether plasterboard should be putty under a tile, it should be understood that it will not be possible to achieve good adhesion of surfaces without putty. In addition, the putty layer will significantly reduce the consumption of glue.
Mechanized puttying of walls is carried out using special putty stations. The technique can significantly reduce labor costs and speed up the surface treatment.
Before you make trees and flowers on the wall of putty, you must carefully prepare the surface. Putty irregularities, remove dust and dirt, and also primer the surface.
Starting and finishing gypsum putty perform different tasks: in the first case, large defects are eliminated, in the second - the surface is brought to perfect evenness. After puttying, the surface is rubbed with an abrasive.


