
Synthetic resins are widely used in construction. On the basis of epoxy, polyester resins, a huge amount of materials has been created - grouts, adhesives, putties and many others. These oligomeric compounds have unique properties - they impregnate the material, giving it strength and moisture resistance.

In addition, epoxy has become the raw material for the preparation of the most high-quality and effective adhesives. Some of them are able to fasten products under water - they have such powerful indicators of adhesion to the surface. The section will focus on resins and the materials in which they are included.

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Heat-resistant sealants are used to seal cracks and other defects on products subjected to heat, some of them withstand the action of open flame.
Car epoxy is used to impregnate fiberglass and to create fiberglass - the most durable material that has been around for decades.
Metal products can be glued using cold welding, such tools are made on the basis of epoxy resin, they help to form a high-quality weld.
With the help of sealant for the aquarium, you can independently make a container of glass, as well as quickly and reliably repair the old leaked "house" for fish.
Cold welding for heating pipes is used as a means of temporary repair, the technology does not require special knowledge and the purchase of special equipment.
Products from epoxy resin and wood can be created with your own hands, for this you need to choose the appropriate decor and buy high-quality transparent epoxy.
You can make a table of epoxy with your own hands, for this you need to choose the appropriate decor, build a mold, and then fill the countertops.
Epoxy resin for creativity is used in the creation of beautiful jewelry, original crafts and various items of furniture, interior decoration and other products.
The use of epoxy grout for tiles is possible in any room - in the kitchen, in the bathroom, even in the open air. This material is the most resistant and strong.


