Epoxy polishing is carried out after the products have completely solidified; this work helps to make jewelry smooth, glossy and suitable for use.
Resin is used to create very beautiful jewelry; with its help, craftsmen make original jewelry - rings, bracelets, pendants.
Using transparent epoxy for pouring allows you to create beautiful bulk floors, prepare jewelry and souvenirs with your own hands.
You can use epoxy adhesive Moment for different purposes - this epoxy based product is suitable for natural and artificial materials.
Epoxy adhesive is widely used to connect products from concrete, metal, wood, other materials, it is universal and multifunctional.
It is recommended to use silicone glue when repairing products from this material, when connecting dissimilar parts, or for sealing them.
EAF epoxy glue is used for any materials - it can be used to repair cars, to glue objects for home and everyday life.
Hardeners for epoxy resin give the material the desired properties, after which the epoxy is suitable for direct pouring or processing.
Dyes for epoxy are used to give beautiful, radiant shades to products, they are available in finished form or are made with one's own hand.
The use of epoxy resin ED-20 is indicated for filling floors and manufacturing glues, creating beautiful coatings for floors, walls, household items.